The Cyber Escape Room 

by Living Security

Build security awareness training into an engaging team building experience that your staff actually enjoy. 

The world's most engaging Cyber Security Awareness Training  
Unique storylines crafted around team’s risk areas
To identify your teams strengths and weaknesses
To ensure your teams are staying ontrack
Gamified Learning
That helps your teams engage and learn
Behavior Modification
This real life experience helps learning adoption
You team learns how to address the issues of TODAY


The Cyber Escape Room is a realistic team-based puzzle game where you have to solve clues and complete tasks together in order to complete the challenge and escape the room. 

This challenges the teams to put on their thinking hats, and look at problems as a hacker would and in the process, learn key cybersecurity awareness concepts.

What’s in it for the team of hackers?

The hackers adopt new skills through an effective gamified learning approach. They take away lessons learned from the puzzles and clues built within the cyber escape room whilst heightening their awareness about bad practices that people fall into.

Each player from the fastest team will receive a $50 Amazon gift card!

The cyber escape room will engage players through facing a realistic scenario with a ransomware infected computer, caused by a negligent friend. 

Players will investigate the ‘infected laptop’ and partake in challenges to decrypt the ransomware and recover sensitive information. 

Participants need to solve 7 challenges to unlock the laptop and complete the challenge and be able to get out with all the prices. 

Remember, this will be a gaming activity that can be done as a team, so bring your friends and let’s see who is the best hacker of all.

Do your staff have what it takes to stop a cyber-attack?

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